
Attorney Fee Dispute
Avoid Billing & Fee Disputes
The legal industry is a complex world. With high-stakes, sensitive issues, and expensive compensation involved, the possibility of disputes arising is inevitable. Equipped with a specialist skillset and credible experience, each lawyer bills their clients according to the legal counsel required. Nonetheless, discrepancies and disputes between attorneys and clients have reached an all-time high. This...
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Resolve an Attorney Fee Dispute
The job of a lawyer isn’t easy. Despite all its rewarding facets, the work itself requires experience, resourcefulness and intellect. Bearing the responsibility of excessive workload and the fiduciary relationship they share with their client, lawyers are under constant stress. With everything depending on whether an attorney can win a case for their client, attorneys...
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What Are Attorney Fee Disputes
Lawyers in each part of the world are expensive. To reach the stature they reach, a lawyer has to undergo a minimum of seven years of schooling paired with extensive legal practice. Being one of the most highly-educated individuals, lawyers are equipped with a diverse range of knowledge and skillset. Due to the unique environment,...
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About Us

Brand Cooper is a nationally recognized expert in Attorney Fee Dispute resolution which is the firm’s flagship practice area. The firm has been retained to provide expert testimony in opposition to and in support of attorney fee claims and petitions in state and federal courts, bankruptcy courts and in mediations and arbitrations.